MagPump® Videos
This video highlights the two most common mistakes made that lead to the improper use of the MagPump 9mm Loader. Watch this video and you'll be loading 30 Rounds in Less Than 30 Seconds!
Watch step-by-step on how to attach the 50-round hopper to the loader, insert magazines properly including retainers, fill the hopper with loose ammunition and operate the pump handle to load 9mm rounds into your magazine with ease!
MagPump CEO, Peter Crawford, demonstrates how to use the new 9mm pistol magazine loader.
Introducing the new MagPump 9mm magazine loader. Load 30 rounds in less than 30 seconds. Works with 9mm double stack magazines from Glock, SIG, Smith & Wesson, Springfield Armory, Ruger & CZ.
Reduce magazine loading time by more than 50% with the new 9MM magazine loader. Self-sorting hopper orients ammunition in either direction. Includes 6 retainers that adapt to various magazine brands.
The MagPump is a hopper fed, loose ammunition loader compatible with all Mil-Spec AR-15 magazines in .223Rem/5.56NATO/.300BLK.
Kyle Lamb of Viking Tactics gives a quick run down on how the MagPump AR-15 magazine loader can load 90 rounds in under 90 seconds.
Load magazines quickly with the MagPump. That is what professional shooter Doug Koenig says the MagPump offers him...quick, easy and efficient.
MagPump is a better and faster way to load magazines. Spend more time shooting and less time reloading magazines.
Kyle Lamb agrees the MagPump is by far the fastest and easiest way to quickly load a 30 round magazine for your AR. Lay 90 rounds in the feeder, grab three magazines and under 90 seconds get three, 30-rounders ready for shooting.